Redbridge Group Sessions

On this webpage you can find out about our upcoming group sessions. We understand that joining a group can seem quite daunting, but speaking with others who've been through a similar experience can be reassuring and beneficial for all involved. Our group sessions are delivered by our qualified clinicians who will support you, teach you about relevant psychological disorders and ways of coping. 

To get access to any of these groups, please refer yourself to the service and mention your interest of groups at your first point of contact.

The groups we offer are:

  • Anxiety and Worry Group
  • Applied Relaxation Group
  • Depression Group
  • Long Term Conditions Group
  • Me and my baby Group
  • Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) Group
  • Mood Management Group
  • Overcoming your Inner Critic Group
  • Social Anxiety Group
  • Stress Management Group
  • Sukoon Group
  • Understanding Post traumatic Stress Disorder Group

Anxiety and Worry Group

When: Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long does the course last? 7 weeks (Please make sure you can commit to all sessions)

Where: This group will take place via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: This group is open to anyone struggling with worry and coping with uncertainty. You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

What will I learn?

You will learn what CBT and anxiety/worry are, and how our worries can spiral. You will also learn about the different types of worry, why we keep on worrying and how we can cope with worry. This course will also look at how we percieve worry, how we can manage our mood and how to maintain progress. 

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage clients to take part in these sessions, but it's up to you what you feel comfortable in saying.

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2: Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Anxiety and Worry Group during this appointment.

You can also call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 (Mondays- Fridays 9am-5pm. Please mention that you'd like to join the Anxiety and Worry group during the phone call

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer altnerative treatments or services which would better suit you. 

Any questions please ring us, or email 


Applied Relaxation Group

When: Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long: This group will run for 7 weeks (please make sure you can attend all sessions)

Where: Online meetings via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a computer or mobile with internet connection.

Who: For anyone 18 years or older who would like to learn skills and techniques that help with relaxation. Research has found these techniques helpful in reducing anxiety symptoms and has shown that the effects can be long-term. For anyone wanting help to manage physiological responses to stress and anxiety. You must be registered with a Redbridge based GP to access this course. 

What will I learn: The applied relaxation group will provide you with techniques and skills to enable you to relax very quickly. This should help reduce any feelings of anxiety or tension that you may be experiencing.

Research has found these techniques helpful in reducing anxiety symptoms and has shown that the effects can be long-term. The group uses reading materials that will be provided in the sessions and requires practice of the skills learned between sessions. 

Notes: You can access this course alongside any individual therapy you may be recieving. Please note you will have some homework to do inbetween sessions (15-30 minutes each day for the first 2 weeks) so please make sure you are able to commit some time to do this. 

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2: Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Applied Relaxation Group during this appointment.

Or call us on 0300 300 1554—option 1 (9am–5pm, Monday–Friday). When self referring to our service mention that you'd like to join the Applied Relaxation group.

You can also ask to join this group if you are already accessing our service. Please note in some cases, a group may not be appropriate for you. In this case, a clinician will direct you towards other resources and services which would better suit you. 

Depression and me

When: Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long does the course last? 10 weeks (Please make sure you can commit to all sessions)

Where: Zoom This group will take place via Zoom. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: This group is people struggling with low mood. You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage clients to take part in these sessions, but it's up to you what you feel comfortable in saying.

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2:  Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Depression Group during this appointment.

You can also call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 (Mondays- Fridays 9am-5pm. Please mention that you'd like to join the Depression and me during the phone call

What will I learn: You will learn to understand what depression is, how it develops and techniques to help yourself.   

Notes: You will need to attend all the sessions and complete tasks outside of the sessions to practice the skills covered.

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email

Long Term Conditions Group

Long Term Conditions Group

When: Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long does the course last? 8 weeks (Please make sure you can commit to all sessions)

Where: This group will take place via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: This group is anyone living with a long term condition that causes them anxiety or affects their mood. Long term condition is classified as a persistent health condition such as persistent pain diabetes, COPD, cardiovascular disease, IBS, chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia or MUS (Medically unexplained). You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

What will I learn: This course will help you learn to manage any anxiety or depression associated with your physical health condition. This is an 8 week skills programme using “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)” that will help you understand and better manager your psychological distress associated with your physical health condition.

Session 1 – Intro to the group (Start)

Session 2 – Behavioural model

Session 3 – Values                         

Session 4 – Living our values

Session 5 – Problem solving

Session 6 – Pain & Pacing

Session 7 – Valued Action

Session 8 – Keeping things going - (End of group)

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage clients to take part in these sessions, but it's up to you what you feel comfortable in saying.

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2: Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Long Term Conditions Group during this appointment.

Or you can call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 and ask to join the Long Term Conditions group. 

Notes: Please ensure you can commit to attending all group sessions where possible. There will also be tasks to complete outside of the group so you will need to commit some time to do this to gain the most from this group.

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email

Me and my baby

When:  Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long does the course last? 4 weeks.   (Please make sure you can commit to all 4 sessions)

Where:  This group will take place via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: This group is for first time mothers, preferably for individuals with a child under the age of 1. You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

What will I learn: 

Being a first-time mother can be an amazing and exciting journey, but it can come with its fair share of struggles. At times, these struggles can be fleeting and can go away fairly quickly but sometimes we can find ourselves struggling for a longer periods of time.

We acknowledge these difficulties and are therefore offering a group for first time mothers focussed on making sure YOU are well looked after. The aim of the group is to provide a safe place to discuss common issues that are faced by new parents and give you strategies to cope when things are overwhelming. We cover self compassion, how to manage doubt, the concept of the “good enough” mother, maternal identity, anxiety and worry.

It is not necessary to have a diagnosis or to have significant struggles to access this group. 

Feedback from a previous attendee: 

“Thank you so much for running this group, I appreciated the opportunity to connect with other mums and the topics really resonated with me. Although I've been told again and again that other mums find it hard too, personally I've not had the experience of speaking to many people who actually admit to it! It was a relief to discuss some of the challenges that come with the transition to parenthood honestly, with other mums who understand and share these challenges”

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage clients to take part in these sessions, but it's up to you what you feel comfortable in saying. We have found that the discussions were one of the most helpful elements of the group. 

How to Sign up

Step 1 Register with our service: Fill in a self referral form

Step 2 Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Me and my baby group during this appointment.

Or call us on 0300 300 1554—option 1 (9am–5pm, Monday–Friday). When self referring to our service mention that you'd like to join the Me and my baby group.

Notes: We keep the group size between 6-8, please be prepared to commit to all 4 sessions as spaces are limited.

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email

Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

When: Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long does the course last? 8 weeks (Please make sure you can commit to all sessions)

Where: This group will take place via Zoom. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: This group is designed for people of all ages and backgrounds. Although the mindfulness technique is derived from eastern Buddhist traditions it can be learned and practiced without reference to these.  MBCT is for anyone struggling with unpleasant emotions such as stress and depression, who would like to learn techniques to be more present and change deeply established mental patterns. You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage clients to take part in these sessions, but it's up to you what you feel comfortable in saying.

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2: Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Group during this appointment.

You can also call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 (Mondays- Fridays 9am-5pm. Please mention that you'd like to join the Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy group (MCBT) group during the phone call

What will I learn: MBCT is about increasing our moment-to-moment awareness so that we can change deeply established mental patterns. The central aim is to learn to respond to our difficulties with choice rather than reacting and going down the same old mental ruts that caused us problems in the past.  Over the 8 weeks you will learn about the practice of mindfulness and some of the basic principles of cognitive therapy, which we hope you will find helpful in dealing with your difficulties.

The group will also offer the opportunity for you to share your experiences with a group of like-minded people, which can be extremely powerful and beneficial.

What might be the benefits?

  • Lasting reduction in symptoms
  • An increased ability to relax
  • An ability to cope more effectively with short and long term stressful situations.
  • Greater energy and enthusiasm for life.


Notes: The techniques may feel very new to you, but we ask that you approach the group with an open mind. It also requires commitment and so taking the time and effort to practice techniques in between sessions will help you to fully benefit from this course. You will be asked to undertake daily  practice at home.

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email

Mood Management Group

Mood Management Group

When:  Wednesdays 2.30-3.30pm. Next course starts Wednesday 21st September 2022.  

How long does the course last? 6 weeks (Please make sure you can commit to all sessions)

Where: Teams This group will take place via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: This group is For people struggling with low mood You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage clients to take part in these sessions, but it's up to you what you feel comfortable in saying.

Facilitators:  Nandeep and Andie

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for the group -  Sign up for Mood Management

Step 2: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

You can also call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 (Mondays- Fridays 9am-5pm. Please mention that you'd like to join the Mood Management group during the phone call

What will I learn: Introduction to Course and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Exploration of Depression, The role of behaviour; What you do affects how you feel, Helpful and unhelpful behaviours, The link between activity and mood, Increasing activity, Overcoming Barriers; Coping with tasks, Procrastination, Problem solving, The role of thoughts in depression, Identifying unhelpful thoughts and thinking styles, Challenging unhelpful thoughts, Planning and preparing for the future - Identifying early warning signs

Notes: You are encouraged to attend every week, and practice the skills we introduce in the sessions, outside sessions.

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email


Overcoming your inner critic

Overcoming your Inner Critic

When: Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long does the course last? The group will run for 11 weeks.

Where: This group will take place via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who:  Anyone is welcome! This course is particularly helpful if you are experiencing self-critical thoughts or are struggle with self-compassion ( i.e. not treating yourself with kindness and warmth).

You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

What will I learn:  Taking the next step in your healing and attending therapy is one of the most courageous and compassionate acts you can do for yourself. In this group, you will learn how to apply practical self-compassion skills to help overcome your inner critic, create/maintain boundaries in your relationships, becoming more assertive/confidence in specific situations such as at work, within relationships or with your family.

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage clients to take part in these sessions, but it's up to you what you feel comfortable in saying.

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2: Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Overcoming your Inner Critic group during this appointment.

You can also call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 and ask to join the Overcoming your inner critic group. 

Notes: Taking part in this group is an investment in yourself and future. In order to see results from your investment you will be required to commit to regular practice of techniques taught, outside therapy.

Also you will be required to complete a short questionnaire before the start of each session, online, you won’t be able to enter the teams session unless you complete questionnaires, at least 1 hour, before the session is due to start on teams (We will send you the information via email to complete the questionnaires online beforehand).

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email

Watch our video below to hear feedback from clients who've recently attend our 'Overcoming your inner critic' group 

Social anxiety group

Social Anxiety Group

When:  Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long does the course last? 10 weeks (Please make sure you can commit to all sessions)

Where: This group will take place via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: Do you ever get nervous when speaking to people? Do you get nervous when speaking to your boss or giving a presentation at work? We recognise that the last few years have been difficult for people as a result of the pandemic. Many of us have been isolated from our social contacts and returning to this can be a challenge, as we re-discover how to communicate and interact with others (in person or otherwise). This group is for anyone who is experiencing anxiety in social situations, where they may worry about what to say, or worry about being judged by others. Sometimes when people have social worries, they may find themselves, avoiding or overpreparing for social interactions.

You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

What will I learn:

You will learn about your anxiety and what may be maintaining the problem. Thoughts can often be a driver of anxiety and you will develop the skills to understand and manage the thoughts and worries which get in the way.  We would then aim address the fear and avoidance preventing us from engaging in social situations and encourage participants to develop confidence in social interactions. This is done by creating opportunities to practice social skills in a safe space with others who may also be feeling in a similar way. Finally, these skills can then be transferred to everyday life as you develop more confidence in practicing your newly learned strategies.

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage all clients to take part in these sessions in order to develop confidence in social situations. We know from experience that the more you engage the more you will benefit, however you will not be required to share anything that you are not comfortable with.

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2:  Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Social Anxiety Group during this appointment.

You can also call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 and ask to join the social anxiety group. 

Notes: As with most therapeutic interventions, this group requires commitment. We ask clients to be able to attend all sessions where possible and engage in the task as much as possible as this leads to best results. You will also be encouraged to practice outside of sessions to maximise the gains made from therapy.

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email

Stress Management Group

Stress Management Group

When: Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long does the course last? 5 Weeks (Please make sure you can commit to all sessions)

Where: This group will take place via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: This group is for anyone who would like help to manage stress in any part of their life. You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

Will I need to speak in the sessions? You will not be expected to share your difficulties with others, as the focus of the group will be learning evidence based techniques and their implementation in daily life.

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2: Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Stress Management Group during this appointment.

You can also call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 and ask to join the Stress Management Group.

What will I learn: Week 1: What is stress? What causes stress and how does it maintain itself? How does it impact upon us? What helpful lifestyle changes can I make, and how can I start to relax in stressful situations?

Week 2: Stress and the cognitive-behavioural cycle, problem solving and stress, unhelpful thinking and stress, and meditation as a response to stress.

Week 3: Being clear and constructive when responding to stress and visualisation as a response to stress.

Week 4:  Responding assertively to stress.

Week 5: Developing and maintaining resilience and coping skills in stressful situations, combining effective stress management techniques, and continuing to make progress in stress management.  

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email

Sukoon Group for Muslim Women

Sukoon - Sign ups ongoing

When: Running every 2 months (please enquire for details)

How long does the course last? 8 weeks (Please make sure you can commit to all sessions)

Where: This group will take place via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: This group is Muslim Women struggling with low mood. This group will incorporate religion into the treatment of low mood. You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage clients to take part in these sessions, but it's up to you what you feel comfortable in saying.

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2: Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the Sukoon Group during this appointment.

You can also call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 (Mondays- Fridays 9am-5pm. Please mention that you'd like to join the Sukoon group during the phone call


What will I learn:

Week 1: Introduction to the course + how depression develops, in particular, looking at the difference in presentation and myth busting

Week 2: Introducing Values based Behavioural Activation (BA) + core belief and practices in Islam

Week 3: Baseline diary + relaxation techniques through dua (prayers)

Week 4: Identifying activities – R/N/P (one step at a time in relation to Islam, Zikr (remembrance) and connecting to the Quran)

Week 5: Identifying unhelpful thinking styles using thought diary

Week 6: Challenging thoughts – including Maghfirah (forgivness) and Sabr (patience)

Week 7: Amal (hope), Shukr (gratitude) and tying your camel, belief (yakeen) in God

Week 8: Tying everything together and staying active guide

Notes: Please note this group is part of a research project and so you will need to consent to being part of this research.

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email

Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Understanding Post traumatic Stress Disorder Group

When: Running monthly (details available upon request)

How long does the course last? 4 weeks (Please make sure you can commit to all sessions)

Where: Teams This group will take place via Microsoft Teams. You will need access to a PC/Mobile with internet connection.

Who: This group is For people that have experienced a traumatic event.

A traumatic event is an emotional shock. It is not easy to take in what has happened and to come to terms with it. After a trauma, it is natural to experience all kinds of unpleasant feelings, emotions and body sensations. These may take some time to die down. In the meantime, memories and images of the trauma, and thoughts about it, come into your mind even if you try to shut them out. These experiences may be confusing and even frightening. You may wonder if you will ever get over the trauma, if you are losing control of yourself, or even if you are going mad. These worries are entirely understandable. However you will discover in this group that the thoughts, feelings and sensations you are experiencing are a normal reaction to stress, and show that your body and your mind are working to come to terms with the traumatic event.

You must be 18 or over and registered with a Redbridge GP to access this course.

What will I learn:

Each person reacts to trauma in his or her own unique way. Nonetheless, there are common reactions which many people share. We will explain in our group some of these common reactions whilst looking into what PTSD is and how it fits with your individual concerns. The workshop will provide you with tools to start coping with your symptoms and prepare you for 1:1 therapy as well as explain what treatment looks like.

Will I need to speak in the sessions? We do encourage clients to take part in these sessions, but it's up to you what you feel comfortable in saying.

How to Sign up

Step 1: Register for our service -  Fill in a self referral form

Step 2: Once registered, you will be offered a triage appointment, please request the PTSD group during this appointment.

You can also call us on 0300 300 1554 option 1 (Mondays- Fridays 9am-5pm. Please mention that you'd like to join the Understanding PTSD group during the phone call

Notes: Taking part in this group is the beginning of your therapy journey. After each session you will be sent a pack and you will be required to commit to regular practice of techniques taught outside therapy.

Please note, in some cases a group may not be appropriate for you, in which case we will offer alternative treatments or services which would better suit you.

Any questions please ring us, or email

Hear from Nia, one of our clinicians, about our Understanding PTSD Group in our video below

Barking & Dagenham

0300 300 1554—option 3

9am–5pm, Monday–Friday


0300 300 1554—option 2

9am–5pm, Monday–Friday


0300 300 1554—option 1

9am–5pm, Monday–Friday

Waltham Forest

0300 300 1554—option 4

9am–5pm, Monday–Friday