Redbridge Talking Therapies

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About Redbridge Talking Therapies

Welcome to the Redbridge talking therapies service. We provide a wide range of free treatments and services for anyone going through a hard time, or struggling with feeling stressed, anxious, low or other distressing emotions. We're here to help you feel better. 

Our services are confidential, easy to access and available to people living in the London borough of Redbridge.

Self Referral

It’s very easy to get started. Complete the short form by clicking the link below. Once we have received your details we will call you to book in your first consultation with a member of the Talking Therapies team.

Self referral form

If you prefer, you can also call us to self refer.

Call: 0300 300 1554—option 1

9am–5pm, Monday–Friday

Email us: 

Find out about our upcoming Group Sessions 

Decided on a group course you'd like to join? You can now register directly by clicking this button to fill in our groups course form

What can we support with?


Redbridge Talking Therapies can help with a number of issues including:

Generalised anxiety disorder Stress Anger Management
Social anxiety disorder Panic disorder Agoraphobia
Health anxiety PTSD Specific phobias
Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD) Mixed anxiety and depression Irritable bowel syndrome
Body dysmorphic disorder Chronic fatigue Depression
Low Self esteem Pain management Sleep difficulties
Irritability Work Stress (including employment support) Relationship difficulties


Commonly asked questions

Who can access Redbridge Talking Therapies?

Redbridge talking therapies is open to anyone 18 years or older and living in Redbridge borough. You must be registered with a Redbridge GP to use our service. We all go through difficult times, and sometimes need some extra support regardless of whether we have a diagnosed mental health condition.

How can I access Redbridge Talking therapies?

You can access our service by either doing a self referral, or by asking a healthcare professional, such as your GP, to do a referral for you. For self referral you’ll either need to ring our main number (0300 300 1554—option 1. Lines open: 9am–5pm, Monday–Friday) or fill in a self referral our website.

Do I have to pay for treatment?

No, our service is completely free.

What happens after my referral?

After your referral you’ll then receive a phone call from our admin team who will book you in for an assessment appointment. Please note our admin team our not trained therapists but can advise you as to what our service offers. Typically you’ll get a call from our admin team within about a week of your referral, but sometimes this can be a little longer if the service is busy.

You’ll then be booked in for your assessment call, which will be with one of our qualified therapists. Typically assessment calls last about half an hour, and are a chance for you to explain what difficulties you may be experiencing and what you’d like to support with. The therapists will be able to explain what treatment we can offer you, and answer questions you may have about therapy.

The therapist will take you through some assessments which will help us understand your current situation. These assessments do not constitute a diagnosis and are used as guidance only.

Please note our service does not advice or prescribe medications – this is something you’d need to discuss with your GP.

If you can, try and find somewhere where you won’t be disturbed and can speak openly. We understand that the assessment may bring up sensitive topics, which you may find difficult to talk about, and so it’s important that you’re able to speak freely.

We understand that some clients may be living in shared accommodation, and may find it difficult to find a private space – if this is the case perhaps take a walk or find a local park to have your assessment call.

Once you’ve had your assessment call, the therapists will advise if we are the right service for you and if so what treatments are available to you. The therapist will ask if you have a preference as to which treatment you receive

You’ll then be allocated treatment, and our team will contact you to get your first appointment arranged.

What if Redbridge Talking therapies isn’t the right service for me?

If we’re not the right service for you, the therapist will signpost you towards other services which can support you.

What therapies do you offer?

Our service offers a range of different therapies which can be accessed individually, via group education sessions or via couple’s therapy.

The therapies we currently offer are:

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) – helps people with depression identify and address problems in their relationships with family, friends and partners.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) CBT is based on the theory that our thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and actions are all linked. It helps you to identify and change harmful thinking or behaviour patterns.

Counselling for depression (CfD) This therapy explores feelings underlying depression, and how past events may effect your present. Counselling helps you to then develop new ways of looking at yourself and the world around you

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR ) EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) is a comprehensive psychotherapy that helps you process and recover from past experiences that are affecting your mental health and wellbeing. Commonly used for trauma and PTSD.

Behavioural couples therapy It is suitable for couples where low mood or depression is affecting one or both partners and leading to distress within the relationship. Both partners must be willing to engage in the therapy.

Do you offer employment support?

We have colleagues from Richmond fellowship charity who offer employment support including: job retention support (clients facing disciplinaries, bullying and harassment, or prejudice or unfair treatment). We can also help clients find new employment including help with CVs, job applications, interviews and full career guidance including career change. We can also help clients find training or volunteering opportunities.

Is the service confidential?

Yes, anything discussed between yourself and your therapist will not be shared unless there is deemed to be a risk of harm to yourself or those around you. Your GP will be kept informed with brief information as to the treatment you are receiving. However you can request that information isn’t passed on to your GP. Again, this agreement would only be breached if there was deemed to be a risk to yourself or others.

Do you offer evening appointments?

We understand that some people may not be able to make appointments during typical office hours and so we do offer some evening appointments.

What are the benefits of using Redbridge Talking Therapies?

Sometimes if we’re feeling distressed, or going through a hard time it can be easier to talk to a stranger than friends and family.

During talking therapy your therapist will listen to you and help you find your own answers to problems, without judging you.

Your therapist will give you time to talk, cry, shout or just think. It 's an opportunity to look at your problems in a different way with someone who' ll respect you and your opinions.

Although there are different therapies available, they all aim to help you feel better. Whilst accessing talking therapies may not make your problems go away, they can make it easier for you to cope and feel happy.

Hear from one of our therapists and former clients on Spotify

Barking & Dagenham

0300 300 1554—option 3

9am–5pm, Monday–Friday


0300 300 1554—option 2

9am–5pm, Monday–Friday


0300 300 1554—option 1

9am–5pm, Monday–Friday

Waltham Forest

0300 300 1554—option 4

9am–5pm, Monday–Friday